Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 4/20

For some that know, today is the holy of all holy days for potheads throughout the world. This is something that seems to be more and more prevalent as of late. Well, maybe it just seems that way to me, but I'm hearing of more and more people who partake either regularly, or from time to time. People that I would have never thought would even have that stuff in their house much less than smoke it! What is this world coming to? ;-)

Do we legalize it? Do we keep it as part of the notorious underworld? Here's the thing. People do it. I can't even begin to tell you how many people I know that smoke on a regular or semi-regular basis. These are people that I would never thought would have the stuff in their house much less smoke it. Is it really that big a deal? Depends on who you ask.

Some people will tell you that it's a gateway drug. That there's no way that you can not start doing hard drugs if you smoke marijuana. Some will tell you that it causes people to quit their jobs and become low lives. They basically think that if you start smoking pot you're doomed to a life of misery and drug addiction.

Now there are others that will tell you that it's a completely natural substance. It comes from Mother Earth how can it be bad. There are people who simply do it to relax. Kind of like some people have a drink after a tough day at the office.

Who's right? Is there a right answer? Should it be legal and we let adults decide if that's a route they want to go down. Kind of like the person that decides to walk into that bar and have a drink. Do you think they sit at that bar and think, I'm going to become a raging alcoholic in a few years! I'm pretty sure most don't. Or do we keep it as is. People having to try and find a safe, reliable connection and ending up dealing with things that they had no business dealing with. Does the government legalize it, tax it and try to make some money off of it?

Who knows?? I sure don't, but I'm curious to find out what happens. If anything at all that is.

Healthy Relationships

What makes for a healthy relationship? It's a question that's been asked all over the world for years. Is there a definite answer? I'm not sure. Let's discuss.

There are lots of words that come to mind when you think of a healthy relationship. Love, trust, communication etc... Is there one specific thing that makes a relationship healthy? Is it a combination of things? My wife and I have been together for some time now and all in all I think we have a great marriage. Some would disagree seeing as we have a gf, but that's part of what makes us work. That's right, us. Every relationship is going to be unique. Which means that different things are going to work for different people.

In our particular situation trust is one of the most important factors. We all trust each other with our lives. Without trust there would be no way that we could live this lifestyle. Could you imagine having to always wonder what two women are doing?? I can't, because I've never had to. From the start my relationship with my wife was founded on trust. I've never had to worry about it and never will. That's one stressful part of a relationship that's taken care of.

Another big one for us is communication. Now, that's a tough one. Communication is one that after 11 years of being together we still struggle with from time to time. Same thing with our gf. What I think we do well is that we try to do our best to talk when things are on our minds. We know that we may not always like what we're going to hear, but if it's important enough for one person to bring it up, then it's got to be something that we shut up and listen to. Doesn't mean that we're always going to agree on things and yes that can lead to an argument, but as I've said in a previous post, I think arguing is OK in a relationship. Within reason of course. This doesn't mean that we go to each other about everything, but we know better than to hold something in. That makes for an unhealthy relationship. And that is a fact!

There's no secret formula for what makes a relationship successful or not. I think it takes a lot of work, energy, and effort from all parties to make it work. Our pastor said it best. A marriage isn't 50/50. It's 100/100. It takes 100% from everyone to make it work. I don't think we try anymore. I think it's become too easy to divorce someone and start fresh. It's not going to be roses all the time, but if you plant something can you just leave it and hope that it blooms? No, you have to tend to it, nurture it. In other words, you have to work if you want to have a beautiful garden.


My wife and I have been toghether for 11 years. Yesterday we celebrated 6 years of being very happily married. No, really we are happy!

Sure we have our ups and downs, but what relationship doesn't? I heard once that it was healthy to fight. I agree! Now, don't get me wrong. We're not having knock down, drag em out fights, but every so often we have a big blow out the releases all of the pressure that builds up throughout the year. They usually are about every 6-8 months. Seems to be doing wonders for our marriage. Maybe something to think about??

As you know we live a poly lifestyle. That means that we have a live in gf. So what did she do yesterday while my wife and I celebrated our anniversary? She joined in! My wife and I have decided that on April 19th, 2013 we're going to have a commitment ceremony with our gf. That way she's included in our special day. We wanted to make her feel like she was a part of our relationship, which she is.

I hope to spend many many more years with both of the girls. I'm one of the happiest if not THE happiest man on the planet.