Monday, June 1, 2009


I hate that you feel this way. I hate that there's nothing that I can do to make you smile or take the pain away. I hate that someone else can make your beautiful smile go away. If they only knew that they were doing.

I never want you to stop talking to me about your problems. I said it before and I'll say it again. I'll be here for as long as you'll let me be. I just hate when you hurt. You deserve to be happy and to be treated like a Queen. It'll happen.


This is what Monday's should be. A continuation of the weekend. Almost. The wife had a nice break this morning so she was home from about 9am until 2, and the gf called in sick to work. (Rough It's nice to have everyone home.

I'm sure there are people out there that think we spend entirely too much time together. Hell, we've had those very same conversations. Wondering if we were nutty because unlike a lot of other couples that we know we don't really do anything apart. Except for work. (And if everything works out, then even that will change down the

When we go someplace, it's expected that the three of us will be invited. If not, we don't go. We're extremely lucky that all of our friends are cool like that and are alright with inviting the three of us. Weddings, birthday parties, graduation parties, whatever. If you invite one, you know you gotta invite three. LOL Again, we've been very fortunate that we haven't had to worry about that aspect of our lives at all.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday. (Is that even possible?)