Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's my birthday

Yup, that's right folks. Today I turn 30. (Yeah, I realize that my birthday is on April Fool's Day, but for those that know me personally, they understand how perfect that really is...hehe) Now, I know that some of you are saying, 30?? I wish I was 30 again! However, just think back to when you were 29 and your 30th was coming up. How did you feel? Actually, I'm curious to know how people did feel when they approached their third decade. Interesting way to put it isn't it??

How did I feel you ask? Good question. I guess I was depressed thinking about turning 30. Started to realize that I really wasn't getting any younger. (GASP, THE HORROR) Part of it for me was watching my younger siblings, and cousin get older. Of course my other family members were getting older too, but they were always "old" to me. They were always adults. The thing with my brother and sister, is that I can remember them coming home from the hospital. I've watched them grow up and now they're full blown adults. Well, old enough to be LOVE YA KIDS!!

So, watching them get older made me realize that I was getting older. Up until this year, that didn't bother me. Then one day it hit me that I was no longer going to be in my 20's. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT?? I realized that from today forward I was going to be in my 30's. Again, for those of you that may be in your 30's, please understand that I mean no disrespect. Especially since I'm now a member of that club. LOL It was just a tough realization for me.

Then I woke up this morning. I realized that I didn't feel any different being in my 30's than I did when I was in my 20's. Ok, sure there are certain things I can't do anymore. But, I guess part of growing up is realizing that those things are only meant for the young. You realize that as you've grown, you've matured. You've become a different person. Sure the core being is the same, but things that were important to you when you were 21, really aren't that important when you're 30. Hell, some of those things haven't been important to me since I WAS 21.

Long story short, I guess it's not that bad. Besides, they say that 30 is the new 20. WOOHOO, I'M ONLY 20 AGAIN!! LOL Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!