Thursday, March 26, 2009

How it all began

So this post is exactly as the title implies. How this all started. Here goes...

11 years ago I was 19 years old and had just gotten an AOL account. That's right. It was AOL 3.0. Used to get home from school and have to sign on right away. This was, ofcourse, in hopes that you'd have a connection by the time you got back downstairs from taking a shower, changing clothes, and making a snack. Ahhhh AOL back in the day was great wasn't it??

Anyway, I got this AOL account because a friend of mine introduced me to the world of online chatting. I would sit on her couch for HOURS and talk to people online. I thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. Now, this was also where I first learned that there were other guys out there like me. What do I mean?? Read on and find out.

That's right, there were other guys out there that preferred big women. (We'll save this topic for another day) HOLY SH*T!! Up until this point, I'd always known that I liked thicker women, but I was alone in this so I thought I was some sort of freak. (Course I turned into a different kind of freak later on in doesn't that just make you want to keep coming back for more??) Anyway, I found a whole community of people who were large and ok with that. What a wonderful world this internet was turning out to be.

I digress. So, I take my first credit card, and tell my mom that I'm signing up for an AOL account. Told her that I was paying for it, so there should be no issue. Luckily for me. There wasn't. A little while later, I was surfing the net in the privacy of my basement. (I'm sure plenty of you are snickering thinking that's where the pervert that is Danny was born. Well, you're right...hehe) First screen name created and ever used...DChef98.

Why that name? Well, my first name is Danny. At that time I was in culinary school. And it was 1998. Creative right?? Hey, we aren't all creative dynamo's!!

Damn those tangents. So I created this screen name and started my journey into the world wide web. A few days later my world was turned upside down. Course that was just the first of many times that happened to me in my life.

Why was my life turned upside down?? Because of Nubs75. That screen name started everything. That's right. That was the name that I first met my now wife under. Nothing spectacular about the name right? Unless you're me. See, to me, when I saw nubs, the first thing I thought of was BOOBS!! Ok, so I was a perv before the net. It did make me worse. I SWEAR!!

Anyway, back at the ranch. So I come across Nubs75. I send her a message and we start talking. I will not tell a lie. I don't remember many of those early conversations (cough420cough), but I remember that there was something about her. I guess you could say that she had me from hello. :) I knew she was something special, I just had no idea how special she would turn out to be.

Course, I should have known something was up. Why?? Well she's gotta be something else if you say to your friends...Hey's just about midnight. I need to make sure I'm home cause that's when Donna'll be online. That's right, I had a self imposed curfew. LOL Not because I was scared of the dark, but because I needed to make sure I was home to greet Donna when she got home from work. No we didn't live together at that point. I greeted her, by being signed on and in her buddy box when she got home from work. There were many nights where I'd be signing off as the sun was coming up.

Intrigued? I hope so! That's all for now, but make sure you're back tomorrow for more!

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