Monday, June 15, 2009

Men really are assholes...

So, I'm sitting here and the wife is watching the Tyra show. This is the second time I've written about something that she's put on TV. This show happens to be about "barsexuals" First of all, a barsexual is a girl that kisses a girl when they're out drinking, just for fun. Yeah, there's a problem with that, but that's for a different post. The reason I say men are assholes is as follows.

There was a guy that said that he didn't want to share a woman that he loved. Even if it was a woman. Then he said that if it someone that he just started dating and didn't really love her yet, then go for it. He didn't care if she kissed girls so long as he was able to get in the middle of it. Really dude? You're the reason that women think all men are assholes.
Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that most men are dicks. But that makes it so much harder for those guys that are actually nice. I'm not saying that I'm the best, but damn. Learn how to treat a woman with respect. You wonder why you're single or only women that are gold diggers are with you? It's because you treat women like shit. Therefore you get what you deserve. Plain and simple.

To all the women that have dealt with asshole men in the past, I'm sorry. I know I didn't do it, but I'm apologizing on behalf of men everywhere. There's no excuse, but I'm sorry that you have to deal with those asshole guys.

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